Two philosophers—or what comedian Mel Brooks fondly refers to as "bullshit artists"—from different generations join in deep yet casual conversation covering a wide range of topics, including especially politics and the human condition. Jack Crittenden—professor emeritus of political theory at Arizona State University—and Rory Varrato—PhD candidate in the Philosophy and Education program at Teachers College, Columbia University—have known each other for more than ten years, first as teacher-student and later as friends. During that time, they have had countless conversations together (usually over coffee), and some of those chats have even been interesting. The purposes of this biweekly podcast, then, are to provide a new venue for these conversations (especially now, during the pandemic) and to enable these dialogues to reach an audience of more than two. Both interlocutors hope that—at their best—they can offer to each other and to their listeners something like the lighthearted verbal jousting of 'Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee' crossed with the stimulating pleasures of a 'My Dinner with Andre'-caliber conversation: organic, cerebral, funny, unguarded, and chock-full of bullshit.

Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
In this episode, Rory begins by asking Jack for his thoughts on what Rory had previously suggested as the ‘necessity’ argument for political revolution in the face of impending climate catastrophe. Out of that discussion emerges a two-pronged conversation about, first, how the Mondragon worker cooperative in the Basque region of Spain could serve as a model for broader social and economic reorganization, and, second, the importance of story and narrative for any transformative political project. Somehow this conversation then segues into a discussion of obscure political theorists, including the utopian socialists Charles Fourier and Edward Bellamy—the latter of whom, Rory suggests, may provide us with something of a vision for what life could be like if the Amazon corporation were expropriated and put to public use through the distribution of goods according to need. Finally, the pair return to the topic of storytelling and begin to consider the possibility of creating a quasi-religious myth that could serve as a foundation for a new sociopolitical order that more adequately maps onto current material conditions as well as higher moral principles.

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
After some housekeeping and a brief revisit of police violence, Rory and Jack begin this episode with a consideration of COVID-19, especially focusing on its possible origins and the widespread resistance in the US to vaccination. This topic then segues into a larger discussion of systems-level thinking, including particularly the absence of that capacity among the general public and the subsequent failure to act on or even to perceive various systems-level problems in society. Next, the conversation turns to the education system's utter inability to facilitate the development of such thinking skills among students—a shortcoming that Rory suggests is a deliberate one operating in service of the schooling system's sociological function of replicating and perpetuating capitalist social arrangements. Finally, Jack asks Rory a series of questions about his beliefs regarding political revolution in the United States, which the pair examine in light of the looming climate crisis.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Encounter #4 — Nuclear Holocaust, Police Violence, and Authority
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
In this episode of The Bullshit Artists, Jack and Rory begin the conversation by considering the connections between what Noam Chomsky has identified as the twin existential threats facing humanity: climate breakdown and nuclear holocaust. Then, Rory raises the issue of police violence in the United States, and the pair undertake a lengthy exploration of the nuances regarding police reform, defunding, and abolition—especially in light of recent and ongoing aggression toward black Americans. Finally, Rory puts forth the notion of the ‘temporary autonomous zone’ and explains how he believes it can apply to the classroom setting, which the two then discuss by reference to the example of Socrates and his pedagogical legacy.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
In this episode of The Bullshit Artists, Rory begins the conversation by detailing his recent therapeutic experience with psilocybin mushrooms. Then, Jack inquires about some of Rory's research interests—including his position regarding the likelihood of human survival in the Anthropocene—as well as his activism with the NYC chapter of Extinction Rebellion. Next, Jack poses a question: given our dire planetary circumstances, could there be a legitimate justification for allowing a 'benevolent despot' to impose policies on the global population that would help to avert our species' annihilation? Finally, the duo conclude with a consideration of what schools and schooling ought to look like today, as young people grow up in an increasingly unstable and hostile world.

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Encounter #2 — Cancel Culture, the Golden Rule, and Psychedelics
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
In this episode of The Bullshit Artists, Jack begins the conversation by pressing Rory on his use of the ideological label "anarcho-communist." Then, the interlocutors turn to a long, winding discussion of what Rory had previously called the 'epistemic divide' in America, which includes aspects of 'cancel culture' and the #MeToo movement. From there, the pair pivot to some ruminations on 'the Golden Rule,' and conclude by linking that moral precept to the usage and phenomenology of psychedelics, including those drugs' potential political and psychological effects.

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Encounter #1 — Introductions and Ideologies
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
In this inaugural episode of The Bullshit Artists, Rory and Jack begin with some passing comments on Neera Tanden's recently-failed nomination for the Biden Administration's Office of Management and Budget directorship, then move into deeper conversation about their biographies and ideologies. Finally, they conclude the conversation with some discussion of Jack's recent book, 'What Hath Trump Rot?: How Republicans Betrayed American Ideals.'